3 Kasım 2013 Pazar

Century Lie: “I read it, I read it all”


Written by Ayça
People say lias about books. They say ”I read it.” in fact they don’t read this books. British newspaper The Guardian, made ​​a survey of 2000 people attended. These are results!

1.1984 - George Orwell (26%)
2.War and Peace (Savaş ve Barış) - Leo Tolstoy (19%)
3.Great Expectations (Büyük Umutlar) - Charles Dickens (18%)
4.The Catcher in the Rye (Çavdar Tarlasında Çocuklar) - JD Salinger (15%)
5.A Passage to India (Hindistan’a Bir Geçit) - EM Forster (12%)
6.The Lord of the Rings (Yüzüklerin Efendisi) - JRR Tolkien (11%)
7.To Kill a Mockingbird (Bülbülü Öldürmek) - Harper Lee (10%)
8.Crime and Punishment (Suç ve Ceza) - Fyodor Dostoevsky (8%)
9.Pride and Prejudice (Gurur ve Önyargı) - Jane Austen (8%)
10.Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte (5%)

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